Super Rachel Zana's Spot

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Musical Mother

If I were your mother, you'd get to listen to "Carnival of the Animals" while you eat your lunch, and you'd know the difference between the elephant songs, the fish songs, and the dinosaur songs, even though your father hadn't even heard of "Carnival of the Animals" before today.

If I were your mother, you'd be splashing in the bathtub while I practice Bach flute sonatas just outside the open door ready to prevent any emergency drowning incidents.

If I were your mother, I'd sing you German lullabies in German, even though I, nor you, speak the language.

If I were your mother, you'd listen to NPR and remark, "Something is going to happen, Mama," when you hear suspenseful songs.

If I were your mother, you'd know all about the opera because instructions would have been sung to you diva style at a very young age.

If I were your mother, you'd know the difference between a bass clarinet and a saxophone.


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