Super Rachel Zana's Spot

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Birthday Cake

Because of Dr. Pediatrician's crazy call schedule over Thanksgiving and throughout the whole weekend, we didn't actually have birthday cake with Little Gus until Sunday night. So here is the birthday boy, one year and four days old. His sugar feast was hilarious, mainly because he actually didn't like the cake all that much. He was not impressed with frosting. He was not impressed with moist white cake, even though he is a boy after my own heart, a great sweet tooth. For the most part, he was intrigued and then disgusted by the texture of the cake. After squishing it in his hands, he spent at least 20 minutes trying to throw the cake on the floor. The frustrating thing was that his hands were so full of cake and frosting, no matter how hard he tried to fling the cake, it just wouldn't drop to the floor. He got so angry at one point that he threw a little fit in his high chair, and then by accident tasted the cake again and decided it wasn't so bad after all. So he stopped crying and had a little more cake. I don't think I've ever laughed so much while snapping nearly 70 pictures with my camera.


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